Fine Art by artist Jim Richards - Description: This is a painting of a team of individuals working as a team to capture and ride a wild mustang in the shortest amount of time. It is of a Wild Mustang riding event at the Warm Springs (Oregon) Pow Wow/Rodeo in 2018.

Wild Mustang Team Work

Jim Richards
  • $480 + Free Shipping
Media: Oil
Image Size: 8 x 16
Framed Size: "h x "w x "d
Weight: 0 lbs

This piece is available Online Only and is not currently on display at any venue.

This is a painting of a team of individuals working as a team to capture and ride a wild mustang in the shortest amount of time. It is of a Wild Mustang riding event at the Warm Springs (Oregon) Pow Wow/Rodeo in 2018.

Fine Art by artist Jim Richards - Description: This is a painting of a team of individuals working as a team to capture and ride a wild mustang in the shortest amount of time. It is of a Wild Mustang riding event at the Warm Springs (Oregon) Pow Wow/Rodeo in 2018.

Media Oil
Image Size 8 x 16
Framed Size / Shipping Size "h x "w x "d
Weight 0 lbs
Frame Type n/a
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