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Dan Homeres

Dan Homeres is a mixed media artist combining his efforts with Bombay Inks, Hydrus Watercolors and various acrylics often mixed with pouring mediums. He is also a published author with five fiction works, two art-books and poetry. Friends might attempt to describe the bulk of his work as impressionism but those who know him best might candidly call him an expressionist. He attempts to write colorf...ully while painting in complete sentences. He is happily inclined to display and support works of art in and around McMinnville, Oregon and maintains a semi-retired status with the City of McMinnville as a volunteer and former Youth and Adult Sports Manager and Manager of Dancer Park. He welcomes most all discussions regarding the written word, travel experiences, the rewards of experimental art and baseball. He plans on working past his last breath if this can be peacefully arranged. He owes much to (according to Dan Morrow) his long-suffering wife Connie. He also takes to heart the Paul Cezanne quote: `Happiness is work.'

Showing 97 - 97 of 97 pieces
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Witness for the Prosecution

Dan Homeres

Witness for the Prosecution

Mixed Media - 10 x 8

This piece is available Online Only and is not currently on display at any venue.

$400 + Flat Rate Shipping $25