Fine Art by artist Lori Eddie - Description: These watercolor-looking flowers have citrine centers. Citrine is said to carry the power of the sun, warming and energizing and highly creative. Enamel S'graffito on copper, hand-painted, silver finishings.

Citrine Flowers

Lori Eddie
  • SOLD
Media: Enamel Jewelry
Image Size:
Framed Size: "h x "w x "d
Weight: 0 lbs

These watercolor-looking flowers have citrine centers. Citrine is said to carry the power of the sun, warming and energizing and highly creative. Enamel S'graffito on copper, hand-painted, silver finishings.

Fine Art by artist Lori Eddie - Description: These watercolor-looking flowers have citrine centers. Citrine is said to carry the power of the sun, warming and energizing and highly creative. Enamel S'graffito on copper, hand-painted, silver finishings.

Media Enamel Jewelry
Image Size
Framed Size / Shipping Size "h x "w x "d
Weight 0 lbs
Frame Type n/a
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